Nowadays, running has become a trend more than the actual belief of being fit. But the truth remains that running is a great way to get fit, feel better, and start your day on a fresh note. This happens only if it’s done with proper guidance. Running without proper guidance may cause injuries and sprains. An athlete or a beginner, running for a marathon or for relieving stress must get the proper guidance from their trainer or physiotherapist and follow these tips as well.
Your everyday sneakers will not do the magic. Make sure you’re wearing shoes that are meant for running. To choose a perfect pair for running shoes, you should consider a few things like the upper (everything above the sole) part. It should be shaped like your foot and must be smooth wherever it touches the ankle collar and heel to facilitate comfortable ankle motion and foot to flex and spread out naturally. Incorrect pair of shoes may create various risks of injuries including blisters and shin pain.
Stay hydrated. A phrase we’ve grown up listening to. A remedy to all our problems - stay hydrated. Drinking adequate water, along with your balanced diet is necessary. But you should not drink or eat just before the run and not as soon as you end your run. Let your breathing and heart rate come in control before you take a sip or bite.
Don’t push too hard beyond your level without the advice of your trainer or physiotherapist. Make sure to take baby steps in the start. Let your body get accustomed to a particular mileage and then increase it slowly and gradually so that it is not a pressure on your body. If you go directly from 20 to 60 kmph, you may feel uneasiness and face several serious bodily issues.
There are countless ways to warm up before running that you can consider. But what really matters is doing some activity that prepares you for the feat by loosening up your muscles. Warming up before running includes plenty of slow and sustained stretches. Stretches also help to cool down after a run. This is the most important thing that helps to prevent any injuries or sprains because it helps the body to prepare for the run and body does not get a jerk by sudden change of leg and body movement.
Take the advice of an expert and your physiotherapist too to plan your routine. These guides will help you create a decent running and exercise routine so that you don’t overdo things and end up hurting yourself. Once the routine is ready, stick to it, no matter what. Getting too much of breaks in between your routine may not be good for health and wouldn’t be effective too if you plan to manage weight by running.
To keep fit, to run fit, and to stay away from injuries, along with the above everyday tips, seek help from the professional physiotherapists. Physiotherapy and massage therapy clinic create a perfect routine based on your strength, weakness, and many such other factors to prevent them from any injuries and sprains.