The term ‘neurorehabilitation’ is gaining popularity across the globe. This management process is a type of treatment that focuses on countless neurological and physical problems with a combination of different treatments, therapies, and modalities. Let us look at why this rehabilitation model is considered to be ideal for a wide range of issues.
The most significant benefit of neurorehabilitation is that it can be an ideal solution to treat several conditions. If not for treating, the method can be used to lower the pain and troubles that a person experiences when they suffer from a long list of physical and neurological conditions. Some of the conditions that neurorehabilitation helps with includes multiple sclerosis (MS), stroke, brain injury (traumatic and non traumatic), cerebral ataxia, hydrocephalus, transverse myelitis, spinal cord injury, trigeminal neuralgia, cerebral palsy, post tumour removal neurological insult (central and peripheral), paralytic or spastic hand, traumatic peripheral nerve injuries, poliomyelitis, Parkinson’s disease, Wilson’s disease, developmental disorders, undiagnosed balance and gait issues, and neurological hand functions deficit.
If you or anyone you know is suffering from any neurological disorder, you may know that the issues associated with these issues are much more severe than a broken hand. They don’t simply limit the function of the human body. They also affect a person’s ability to communicate, inhibit free and independent movement, prevent access to certain locations, contribute to feelings of isolation and a lot more. Neurorehabilitation considers all of these issues and works on them so that the person suffering can be better, physically and mentally. This rehabilitation not only lowers the symptoms of disorders but also rids the person from feelings that take them down in life.
As neurorehabilitation deals in understanding various symptoms and issues of disorders, it uses different approaches to treat and lower the troubles of different issues. For instance, neurorehabilitation involves the use of remediation treatments help restore lost skills through repetitive, special exercises or compensatory treatments help utilize intact skills to make up for deficits in other areas. Also, physiotherapists can help to alleviate any physical difficulties or disability that the injury may have caused. Experts may also opt for exercise therapy, pain management, training to improve memory and cognition, speech therapy, mental health counselling and emotional support, nutritional and vocational counselling, vocational support, and other therapeutic treatment depending on the symptoms one experiences.
If you wish to know more about this branch of treatment or rehabilitation, you can schedule your appointment with our neurologic therapist. A neurologic physical therapist is a physical therapist who specializes in the evaluation and treatment of individuals with movement problems due to disease or injury of the nervous system.