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Dementia Rehabilitation: How Helpful Are They?

Do you have a family member suffering from early onset dementia? Have they been experiencing lapses in their memory? Are these episodes becoming more frequent that it has become a challenge for the caregivers to do anything else than look after the patient? Having a loved one who has dementia can be heartbreaking, not to mention challenging. Their quality of life is compromised, and family could only hope their condition would get better before it gets worse.

Patients with dementia are usually recommended to undergo neuro-rehabilitation to help them improve their day to day functions. Not only does this treatment help strengthen the existing neuro functions that the patient has but it allows them to form new pathways to cope up with the ones they are losing. Such improvements in neuro pathways will enable them to live daily with very little need for external help.

What do you Need to Know about Dementia?

It is an umbrella term that describes a group of medical condition that affects the brain function of the patient. The decrease in the healthy brain function is the reason why people are diagnosed with such a disease. They also show in other symptoms like reduced physical coordination and even reduced physical speed. Some of the most noticeable signs of dementia include the following:

- Confusion of physical surroundings

- Lack of interest in usual activities

- Depression

- Loss of empathy

- Difficulties in planning

- Memory loss

Problem in planning

While dementia is a condition that remains to be incurable, several therapy programs can help decrease the rate of the development of dementia. These therapy programs are often associated with medications that help increase brain activity. When it seems that there is no other option, it is best to talk to a neuropsychologist for a more comprehensive assessment of the patient’s condition.

The first step is to know how far dementia has set in on the patient. Neuropsychologists will be able to help you put together a plan by looking into the strengths of the patient. The functional abilities will help determine the weaknesses of the patient, and that is what the therapy will target. The level of motivation that the patient gets can also help improve their condition. Once the goals for the treatment have been set, the patient and the therapist will be able to start and hopefully achieve the result that they are looking for.

Treatment for dementia depends a lot on the therapy plan. With the assistance of a neuro therapist, you’ll be able to see improvement.