A press against the nerves in your spine can spark a numbness in your back, neck, legs, and arms. This could be the beginning of a slipped disc problem, also called a herniated disc, which could be worrying. But what makes this issue more worrisome are some myths around the problem. Here are five myths revolving around slipped discs that could confuse you.
Unlike the name suggests, this problem doesn’t involve the slipping of a disc in your back. An intricate network of nerves is located in your spinal column. Around these nerves are discs that are protected by a tough outer layer called the annulus fibrosis containing a gel-like interior. These discs perform the task of holding vertebral bodies together. At an unfortunate moment, the outer layer can split and allow the gel to spill out. It would then push out against the nerves in the back. With this begins the problem of a slipped disc. A slipped disc occurs in four stages which involves the movement of the gel causing a leak, and eventually, the outer layer bulging to press against nerves.
Injuries to the back or neck are not the only reason for a slipped disc to occur. The reason can also be an increase in the individual’s age or wear and tear to the body. Another factor that can make a person susceptible to slipped disc are lifestyle habits like the diet followed and the smoking habits of the person. This issue can arise with the passage of years in one's life. Genes can also be a reason for the cause.
A slipped disc does not always require surgery for relief. Time is mostly a healing factor for those suffering from a slipped disc. Along with that, the patient can even opt for non-surgical methods to speed up the healing process. This includes the consumption of painkillers and anti-inflammatory medicines, muscle relaxants, cortisone injections, physical therapy, and hot or cold packs, all as administered by a physician. Read the different lifestyle activities that can prevent and help in quick recoveries.
The surgery for slipped discs involves removing the herniated gel and releasing the pressure on the nerves. It is a minimally invasive procedure known as a discectomy. The patient would not have to stay back overnight for the surgery and is also a safe method to opt for. This quick and effective surgery needs tiny incision resulting in rapid recovery.
The pain you undergo during a slipped disc is determined by the pressure applied to the nerves. Usually, the neck, limbs, hips, and shoulders are affected in this bargain. You may also feel an ache in the lower back or a combination of muscle weakness, numbness and a tingling sensation in your body. At times, patients don't feel any pain even, nor do they show symptoms of it.
To prevent slipped discs in your body, it is recommended to keep your muscles strong and maintain mobility in the body for movement in your spinal joints. In case required, seek immediate medical attention at a professional physiotherapist.