Our vestibular system is an essential sensory system that is primarily responsible for the functions of balance and spatial orientation, without which, there would be no coordination in our movements. The vestibular system consists of the cochlea, the inner portion of our ear that regularly transmits information to our brain. There are several types of vestibular disorders which impact the day-to-day life of those affected. Here is a brief list of common vestibular disorders and their treatment:
BPPV is one of the more common of the vestibular disorders. Vertigo, dizziness, and other such symptoms are commonly associated with BPPV. These symptoms are a result of the presence of debris (otoconia) that consists of calcium carbonate in the inner surface of our ears. The intensity of these symptoms keeps fluctuating. Additionally, some also feel a sense of imbalance between the spells of vertigo.
Relatively less common, PPPD symptoms include non-vertiginous dizziness and lack of steadiness that is usually escalated by one’s own movement, or because of exposure to an environment which consists of constant movement, for example- busy shopping marts, railway stations etc. A dance performance, because of its intensity of movements, would only increase this sense of imbalance.
Difficulties that arise while walking on uneven surfaces or while walking in the dark are a result of loss or reduction in the vestibular function. There are two types of vestibular hypofunctions - Unilateral Vestibular Hypofunction, that affects only one ear, and Bilateral Vestibular Hypofunction, that affects both ears. Postural imbalance, dizziness, and a difficulty while driving are the common problems associated with Vestibular Hypofunction.
Vestibular Neuritis is a disorder arising from an infection that inflames the inner segment of the ear, which is also known as the vestibule-cochlear nerve in medical terms. The hearing is unaffected but vertigo and acute dizziness are common symptoms of this disorder. A complimentary condition - Labyrinthitis also occurs when the infection grows and has the capacity to force hearing changes alongside general dizziness and vertigo.
Some of the vestibular disorders such as the ones that are mentioned above can be treated with regular physiotherapy. Lack of care given to these vestibular disorders could result in long-term concentration problems, increased risks of dangerous falls, and social anxiety. With the help of specially designed eye and head movement exercises, a physiotherapy expert can help in improving your standing and walking movements. Additionally, the therapist also provides detailed advice about functional activities that we do in our day-to-day life. Special emphasis is given on fall prevention techniques that cause people a lot of discomforts. Physiotherapy has been particularly effective for those that are suffering BPPV and Vestibular Neuritis.
Emerald Hills is a quality physiotherapy clinic that provides tailored Vestibular Rehabilitation services that are effective in countering vestibular disorders. It is important to be assured of the quality of services you are receiving, hence, it would be useful to read through their testimonials.