Do you know anyone who has been a victim of stroke? Have you noticed the change in their behavior as well as in their physical capacity? Do they move around like they used to? Victims of stroke go through a lot of different changes in their bodily functions, especially in their brain. Their lives and those around them change drastically. The patient will have to go through life without capabilities they were used to. In fact, most of them will have to settle for a kind of life that they are not used to, which comes with a lot of emotional, psychological and social consequences.
However, this does not mean the end of life for them. With the help of neurorehabilitation and psychotherapists, they can improve their way of life. With continuous therapy, who knows they could be back on their feet like they used to before. Not only can they reclaim their life back, but they could also improve their quality of life and those that they love.
Neurorehabilitation teaches patients to improve and recover their physical capabilities as well as their psychological and communication functions. But what can you expect from the therapies? What will you see improve?
- Neuro rehabilitation should be holistic and its approach. Not only is it designed to improve the psychological and physical functions of the patient, but it should also help in the processing of emotional trauma that the patient has to deal with. The social and cultural aspects of the patient as well as their immediate caregivers must also be processed to ensure that every aspect of their being and its needs are dealt with accordingly.
- The therapy sessions must be focused on the patient and their improvement. Various healthcare strategies must be employed to help the patient improve through continuous therapy sessions. If one approach does not work with a patient, it must be changed and replaced by something that could work for them and bring about results that they want.
- Neuro rehabilitation therapy should be all-inclusive. It must be multidisciplinary are a certain level. Several therapists may be assigned to a patient depending on their needs. The number of therapy, as well as the kind of treatment, are identified during the assessment. The suggestions are based on the medical evaluation as well as the goals of the patient.
- Therapy session should also be participatory. Patients and their families should be involved to be able to help build a long and trustworthy relationship between them. After all, the patient’s recovery is not just about their willpower to improve their lives, but it also depends a lot on the support they are getting from their family and friends.
Every neurorehabilitation therapy is different from the other. Although all of them will practically cover the list above, it is particularly important to ensure that the patient gets the support that they need to get themselves to push further for complete recovery.