Muscular dystrophy is a group of over 30 conditions that lead to muscle weakness and degeneration. There is currently no way to prevent or reverse muscular dystrophy, but different kinds of therapy and drug treatment can improve a person's quality of life and delay the progression of symptoms. The following physiotherapy solutions will help to lessen symptoms, increase mobility, and slow the progression of the disease.
When it comes to physiotherapy for muscular dystrophy, you should start simple. Begin regular swimming, walking on flat surfaces, and bike riding. Take a short 10-20 minute walk every day will relieve muscle tension. Also, try swimming laps for around 10-20 minutes once every day or so. Schedule exercise that is energizing, rather than tiring. Regular exercises aim to keep muscles in shape. It can also reduce weight, leaving a lower burden on joints, tendons, and muscles.
Performing the same workout routine over and over will only concentrate on a specific group of muscles, while overlooking the rest. Focus on arms one day, then switch to legs the next. Do some low-impact physiotherapy exercises during one workout session, then change it up with some strength training during your next workout. You can also try something different, like yoga or ballet dance, to loosen up your muscles.
For starters, follow a light-weight, high-repetition strength training program to avoid any more muscle injury. Lift weights within 5-10 lbs. range in the start. You can gradually move to heavier weights as you get comfortable. Start with only 5-10 repetitions of each exercise. Then gradually increase the number of repetitions and sets, with the goal of 8-12 repetitions and three sets of each exercise, performed three times a week.
A type of range-of-motion exercise for the shoulders involves raising your arms over your head. First, grasp your non-dominant arm with your dominant arm at the wrist and hold it, then raise it above your head. Hold this pose for several seconds. Then repeat the exercise with the dominant hand grasping the non-dominant arm.
Lie on your back in your bed and raise one leg up in the air. Bend your leg at the knee and rotate the bottom half of your leg at the knee joint. Do the same with the other leg. Or you can even lie on your side and lift your leg up and down slowly to help with joint mobility.
It may take several weeks or months before you develop an at-home exercise routine. Take your time choosing a qualified physical therapist and undergo an initial consultation. Your physiotherapist in Edmonton will also guide you with the complete muscle care and moves so that you feel better results after every workout session.