When you’re preparing for a big exam in school or are putting together a presentation for work, the last thing that you want is to get distracted, primarily for reasons that put you under a lot of pain. Whether it is a text from an annoying friend inviting you out or physical pain especially in the lower back, any form of distraction can put your mind thinking about something else instead of focusing for the exam.
But when your back feels sore, it becomes difficult to concentrate on the task that you have on hand. It is hard to study when you’re not in your most comfortable. Could the stress for the exam be the reason why you are in pain? If you are worried about the review and that you can’t think about anything else but it, the answer could be yes.
But what could be behind the backpains? Here are some of the favorite reasons why. You might find one or two of these on the list as the reason for the pain you are in right now.
Although you may have been told several times, sitting up straight should always be the best way to sit. One of the leading causes of extreme back pain is incorrect posture. Because you do sit for many hours when you are studying, it is essential that you sit correctly. When you sit up straight, your spine is aligned, and all the other parts of the body like the muscles, bones as well as tendons can support the body weight adequately. Sit up straight, and you’ll see how it helps you concentrate more on the work that you have to do.
This may not be commonly referred to by regular doctors, but therapists understand the value of proper head position when studying. After all, the head puts about 10 pounds of pressure on the spine when you are sitting down, that’s why it has also to be straight most of the time. When you tilt your head even a little, you may now be aware of it, but it puts pressure on the spine that dramatically affects the entire body. The added weight does not only cause upper back pain, but it could also cause unwanted headaches.
Back pain and studying, though a popular combination, isn’t always the most ideal. But if you are suffering from back pains after an extended period of studying, it is best to seek advice from physiotherapists. They may have a few exercises for you to help alleviate the pain. In fact, you may want to consider treatment to help prevent the back pains. Either way, not only will you be able to regain physical strength, but you’ll be able to focus on your work at hand.