Restless Legs Syndrome (RLS), also called Willis-Ekbom disease (WED) is a condition that causes an uncontrollable sensation of cramping, creeping, soreness, or crawling in the lower legs. This irksome feeling subsides temporarily when you move your leg, but is observed to worsen as you age. It’s more disruptive because it causes you to twitch and kick with the sensation while resting and at night-time.
The cure for RLS is not as powerful to completely put a stop to it but it can be minimized if you follow a supervised protocol as directed by your physiotherapist. Read below to know the various at-home treatment you can seek for an interim period.
RLS can be improved by performing mild exercises for strengthening and comfort. Gentle walking, cycling and yoga can be practised to ease any uneasiness in the legs. You can also choose to do warm up drills like marching, lunges, squats, side jacks, heels-up, step touches and the likes. Consider opting for sturdy shoes to avoid putting too much pressure on the legs. When using machines for exercising, use them for your arms, shoulders, and abdominal muscle areas. But if you’re affected with mild or moderate RLS, you can choose one leg machine per workout. Involving exercise balls in your workout routine can be dangerous. Contact your physician for physiotherapy routines to improve the quality of mobility and function.
Stretching your body decreases muscle soreness and adds muscle flexibility. Stretching is an excellent remedy to increase blood circulation throughout your body. Physiotherapy recommends stretching daily for the comfort of the body. Your stretching exercises drill can include calf stretches, front thigh stretch, hip stretch. Stretching before bedtime can ease your muscles, deliver a relaxed sleep and prevent prolonged episodes of RLS. You can also consider massage therapy for improved blood circulation in the affected areas. Combine these stretching exercises with certain lifestyle changes for better results.
You can consider a fresh start and bring changes in your lifestyle for considerable reduction or elimination of RLS. Contemplate the amount of caffeine you consume in a day. A decrease in the consumption of caffeine, alcohol and tobacco to feel calmer can reduce the occurrence of RLS. Minimizing stressful chances is also beneficial in reducing the condition.
Physiotherapy is an affirmative health care treatment that works towards providing functionality, movement and fitness to a patient. The patient is involved in the curing process which adds to achieving robust sustainability in the system. Consulting a physiotherapist for restless leg syndrome is recommended because of their vast knowledge and professional care in the field.