Has your doctor told you that he would be recommending you to undergo VRT? Vestibular Rehabilitation Therapy is a treatment program based on exercise to help the vestibular part of the body to adapt and substitute its functions whenever necessary. The goal of the VRT treatment is to improve the gaze ability of the patient primarily. Second to that is the improve posture and third is to help patients who are suffering from Vertigo attacks.
The critical exercises involved in the treatment include various head and eye movements, somatosensory cues and other postural strategies that help in making the posture a habit. VRT is often recommended for patients who have a stable but poor vestibular lesion. Regardless of the age, gender and cause, patients must undergo such therapy to help them get back to how they were. As long as these exercises are performed regularly within the day, the patient can expect progress as they move along.
What are the indications that you are a candidate for such type of therapy? These conditions are a clear indication of what you may undergo:
The Vestibular Rehabilitation Therapy is indicated when the condition is characterized by a vestibular deficit that is stable. When the evaluation reveals that there is no evidence of progression and the patient’s natural compensation process remains the same, and the whole process is incomplete.
Patients who are dealing with stable CNS lesions or those suffering from peripheral lesions could undergo this treatment. Although their progress might not be evident compared to those with a stable vestibular lesion, they can still benefit from this treatment.
Patients who have had head injury are likely to suffer from a significant amount of disability. There may be due to vestibular symptoms. Central vestibular lesions and cognitive issues often characterize such conditions. VRT then helps supplement their need for a comprehensive head injury program that will target multiple disciplines.
An unstable lesion cannot be used to identify that there is habituation. Patients whose symptoms only occur in spontaneous episodes could only benefit from the VRT so much. If you’re suspecting that there might be something wrong, it is best to see the doctor know what it is. Knowing what you are dealing with can help you find the better solution for it – whether it is VRT or otherwise.